I love my Koracao. I don’t take it every day because I feel the effects of it for nearly two days. By the end of the second day my body lets me know I need it. Then I know I need to hit it again first thing tomorrow. The lift it gives me is unlike coffee. With coffee I’m bouncy and energetic but it’s feels like a covert; like a veil and in a couple hours? It’s gone. On the other hand, my Koracao makes me feel I’ve stepped back into my younger self. It took awhile for me to gain the ability to explain it. I feel like I used to feel. I don’t have to think about energy or renewal. It’s like I’m myself again. I can do all the things I need to do in a day. I don’t even think you can put a price on it. As my last bag began to dwindle I ordered too late last time and there was trouble with the (I believe) international shipping or some such so I was down to only a few pieces. In a panic I called my best bud ( who I actually turned on to Koracao). I tease him because he always buys too much of everything. I asked him to front me one bag to hold me over until my order arrived. Much as I tease him, he’s a generous soul. He GAVE me three bags, no charge!! And I vowed not to wait too late to order again. I cannot be without your wonderful product. I GOTS to have it.
Can you say love?! I can. I lovelovelove it. Thank you for what you do for us all.
dorian holley