Ceremonial cacao is a bit of a buzz word at the moment

with cacao ceremonies appearing in wellness communities all over the world. So what is ceremonial cacao? How does it differ from normal cacao, cacao powder and other forms of cacao? And why are so many people being drawn to use it?

What is Ceremonial Cacao?

All cacao comes from Theobroma Cacao, a small evergreen tree in the family Malvaceae, native to the deep tropical regions of Mesoamerica.

However not all cacao is equal as there are many different varieties of cacao, different qualities and different therapeutic properties.

Just like wine cacao also has different grades and calibers that differentiate normal cacao to ceremonial cacao. To be considered ceremonial grade cacao it must tick all the boxes outlined below:

1. It is pure full cacao-bean paste 

The cacao paste block (or drops) must be prepared from only 100% pure organic cacao beans that have been naturally sun-dried, hand-peeled and milled to form the paste.

Nothing added, nothing removed.

It is cacao is it’s purest form beautifully blended in its own full-fat to produce a creamy 100% pure block.

Versus non ceremonial cacao - The cacao powder in the supermarket has been processed to remove the fat component and can often also contain additives, fillers or sweeteners.

2. It is made from premium hand-selected single-origin Criollo cacao beans 

Criollo cacao is the most rare and premium cacao famous for its incredibly aromatic flavour and aroma as well as containing the highest levels of medicinal components.

It is however very delicate, low yielding and requires careful attention and support from the jungle canopy to thrive.

This variety is not used for mass production as it cannot produce on a large scale. For authentic ceremonial cacao the pods are individually hand-picked with permission from the tree, inspected for imperfections and beans are graded to select only the finest.

3. It is 100% organic shade-grown under a natural agroforestry canopy 

Cacao pods are porous and they absorb the aromas and energies of the plants that surround them.

Neighbouring trees containing fruits like banana or papaya have the ability to infuse the flavour of the cacao and enhance the profile and sensory experience when using it in ceremony.

True ceremonial cacao comes from this agroforestry environment and the cacao produced not only contains the flavours of the jungle that surround it but also the energy and vibration of the environment, further enhancing the spiritual connection of the user to the Amazonian spirit. 

4. It is blessed by the indigenous owners of the land and produced with respect to their traditional customs

All cacao comes from indigenous communities where the people have used it ceremonially for thousands of years as a sacred plant medicine (link sacred traditions of cacao).

 It is essential that the ancestral owners of the cacao are involved in the production process including blessing the soil, trees, pods and paste throughout the process and that reverence is upheld towards the culturally sensitive aspects of the people from the farming community. We are honoured to be given access to their sacred plant medicines and require their blessings in order for us to use it energetically clean. The cacao ceremony starts when the seeds are planted.

 Happy trees, happy farmers and a happy community provides clean pure happy, high-vibrational cacao. Ensuring we are culturally sensitive with the way the cacao is produced and exported is essential and one big differences between ceremonial grade cacao and simple cacao paste. The intentions of the producer will determine the energetics of the final product. 

5. It is packed with health enhancing bio actives to awaken your heart chakra and heal your body :

Biochemical analysis of our ceremonial cacao paste showed significantly higher levels of several key medicinal components compared to normal cacao paste or other cacao based products and powders.

The reality is that ceremonial grade cacao is far more powerful as a plant medicine due to all the reasons outlined above. The result is more bliss, more energy, more happiness, more joy, more satisfaction, more awakening and more uplifting occurs when you take ceremonial cacao vs other cacao products.

It is pure and transformative as a plant medicine, very different from just cacao powder or supermarket chocolate.

Contact Us


+1 (319) 555 7430

Retail Rocket Corp
1309 Coffeen Ave STE 12261, Sheridan, WY, 82801

Phone: +1 855 204 2977

100% ceremonial grade cacao from indigenous communities in South America. Fair trade and of the highest quality. A delicious daily superfood ritual for your mind, body and soul.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Use only as directed.

The information provided in this page is intended for your general knowledge and information purposes only and is not a substitute for a medical advice or treatment for specific medical conditions. Consult with your doctor or a medical professional and follow safety instructions before beginning an exercise program or using a Dietary Supplement if you are undergoing treatment or on medication or have a medical condition.

